Rc Rtf Helicopter Are Your Kids Saying I’m Bored

Submitted by: Bryon Gunderson

Are your kids starting to say “I’m Bored!” Maybe an RC RTF Helicopter (Radio Control-Ready To Fly) will keep them busy for a while.

There are some fantastic radio control electric helicopters, relatively inexpensive, that are very easy to fly, and will keep someone occupied for hours, well, until the battery runs down, but hey, just charge it back up and it’s ready to go agian.

I’m talking about a mini helicopter, about 8″ long and 4″ high. You fly them indoors, the living room, basement or where-ever there’s enough room. Why these are so easy to fly is because they are a “coaxial helicopter” meaning they have 2 counter-rotating blades, which eliminates the balance problems like with other helicopters wanting to tilt side-to-side or dive. To fly, all you need to do is charge the battery, follow any instructions that come with it, it may need a little trimming, slowly throttle up and it will start to lift, practice keeping it at a certain height, once you can do that, try going backward and forward, stopping at hover. When you want to turn right or left, it doesn’t actually turn like you’re going around a corner unless you have forward motion at the same time as turning. Makes sense, but somewhat of a challenge. If you as an adult caught the bug of flying radio control helicopter, you may like to check out a more advanced RTF Electric Helicopter. There are “fixed pitch” helicopters, which may be a little harder to fly than the coaxial helicopter, but a lot of times can be flown outside for more room and more maneuvers. Then if you REALLY get the bug, you can learn to fly a


“variable pitch” helicopter, those, when you get good enough, will do some pretty amazing things, but takes a lot, I mean a lot of practice before even trying to attempt some of those things, because chances are, at some point you probably will crash, so don’t go out and get the real expensive model, or you will be too scared to fly it and won’t be any fun.

I would consult an experienced pilot at that point for instruction and tips on how to begin and take it slow.

Even though these have somewhat limited capabilities, you can hover, up and down, move forward or backward and turn left or right. The helicopter always stays level so you don’t have to worry about it wanting to crash.

I would suggest buying the helicopter and taking it out when the kids aren’t around, fly it yourself a few times, get the hang of it, you’ll have loads of fun doing that, it’ll bring out the kid in you, trust me, I wait until my wife is gone to play with mine. Then you can be confident enough to show someone else how to fly and watch them have loads of fun.

It’s definitely worth checking out, because you may have just as much fun as the kids.

About the Author: I have been flying Radio Control for a number of years and the rush never seems to go away. Each time I try something new or fly something new, it’s no different than the first few times I flew solo.If you want to see what I’m talking about, check out the link below




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