Tips For Preparing Your Home For The Winter Season

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By Jane Michael

For many of us the winter season is all to near and it is time to begin thinking about getting our homes ready for the cold weather. With the economy so unstable and heating costs on the rise we must find ways to limit costs by reducing the amount of cold air that enters our homes. We also want to be sure that our heating systems are in safe working order before we use them for the first time. There are a number of things that you can do to ensure that you will be prepared when the cold days of winter hit.

One of the first things you will want to do is have your heating system in your home checked by a professional. Parts of your systems such as belts, fans, and air ducts should all be inspected to be sure they are in proper working order. Although a professional may seem a bit expensive you are much better off avoiding a problem before it occurs as an emergency call will end up costing you much more than if you have everything checked beforehand.

The next thing you may want to do to prepare your home for winter is check for adequate insulation. Not having the right insulation for your home can mean losing a lot of extra heat which in the long run means more money out of your pocket each month when you pay your heating bill. There are a number of different types of insulation and a few that are fairly economical as well as good for the environment. You should speak with a weatherization specialist in order to find out if you need your insulation updated and what the best insulation option is for your home.


For those individuals who heat their home with a wood stove or fire place now would be a great time to start stocking up on the wood you will need to get through the winter. Often you can find individuals who will give trees on their property away as long as you have the capability of cutting the trees down yourself. You can also find wood for purchase at a much lower price during the summer months than if you wait until the last minute.

Next you will want to be sure that your water pipes are insulated enough to keep them from freezing up and/or possible exploding when it gets really cold. Pipe insulation is fairly cheap, especially compared to the cost of having to fix pipes that have burst. You do not want to wait until an extremely cold day is forecasted to worry about your pipes bursting.

Finally, as winter draws even closer you may want to consider purchasing plastic to cover your unused windows and doors with. Doing this prevents drafts from coming into your home and raising your heating costs. This is also one of the most economical and easiest ways to winterize your home. As long as you follow these few simple tips you will be on your way to a nice cozy home for the winter season.

About the Author: Jane Michael is the head writer at the Center for Spa Concept.

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